
Test hydrogen

By 7 December 2022
services hydrogène H2

True to its DNA of supporting its customers, Greenmot has been adapting to the development of hydrogen vehicles for several months. We are, therefore, able today to welcome vehicles in our test chambers. We are moreover located in a Region which bets on Hydrogen. This allows to offer charging infrastructures just a few kilometers from the test center.

What is your issue with hydrogen technology?

What is the most efficient integration of a fuel cell in a vehicle? How can the H2 vehicle functions be tested? These are some of the issues we face on the field. For adressing the subject on its whole, An internal engineering design office doubles then the services of our test center. This design office carries out specific studies, upon request.

Thus our team is being supportive on two types of projects:


✅ Test a complete system since our innovative climate cells adapt to temperature, humidity and road law. The vehicles are therefore tested in realistic conditions so that the results are as relevant as possible. An example is the test campaign on the HYVIA Master.

Integrate specific components into a vehicle in the R&D phase or already existing (retrofit). This part formalizes with the involvement of our design office made up of engineers with multiple specialties: mechanical / electrical / system / project managers.