SCHOOL BUSES : Greenmot will convert 49 Crossway into electric buses
Villefranche sur Saône, janv/09/2023 – Métropole Rouen Normandie selected the offer of the Greenmot/Forsee Power/Comeca/SPL consortium for the conversion of 49 Crossway intercity school buses. It results in the winning of an unprecedented public tender in France for the French company. It confirms therefore the company’s position as an expert in the industrial vehicle retrofit sector.

With regards to this school buses conversion, we are honored that the Métropole selected us as for this 1st public tender. This is a strong signal for Greenmot ; it then validates the positioning taken in 2020 with the GREEN-eBUS project supported by ADEME. Moreover, it validates the technical developments we have carried out over the past 12 months on the first prototypes.
The project
As expressed, the Rouen City is positioning itself as the first French conurbation to launch a public tender on a retrofit project. It will imply the conversion of diesel vehicles into zero-emission battery electric vehicles. In details, the vehicles of this contract are all school buses and intended to travel on school lines.
To conclude, the school buses retrofit kits will be assembled in Villefranche-sur-Saône (France), in the newly equipped factory. In a second phase, they will be shipped to a local installer, located 25km from the bus depot. For the Rouen market, the local company SPL Normandie will be in charge of the kit’s integration.
The press release
Read our Press Release and get further information on the tender’s details